Rakotoson L.T., Dusserre J., Letourmy P., Ratsimiala Ramonta I., Cao T.V., Ramanantsoanirina A., Roumet P., Ahmadi N., Raboin L.M.
In sub-Saharan Africa and in Madagascar, upland rice is mostly grown for subsistence by resource-poor farmers in low-input production systems with low yields. In this context, soil nitrogen availability is a major limiting factor. To determine the appropriate breeding strategy to improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), the genetic variability and the level of G × N interaction of NUE need to be ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes; Physiologie végétale : nutrition
In sub-Saharan Africa and in Madagascar, upland rice is mostly grown for subsistence by resource-poor farmers in low-input production systems with low yields. In this context, soil nitrogen availability is a major limiting factor. To determine the appropriate breeding strategy to improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), the genetic variability and the level of G × N interaction of NUE need to be ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes; Physiologie végétale : nutrition