Some T.E., Mbaye A.A., Barbier B.
Agriculture can contribute to carbon emission mitigation by storing more carbon in the soil through greener cropping systems. This study aims to assess the impact of mitigation strategies on small farmers' welfare. It uses a case study of small farmers in Burkina Faso, relying on an analyse programming model, in which farmers maximize their utility subject to a set of such constraints. The ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Pollution
Agriculture can contribute to carbon emission mitigation by storing more carbon in the soil through greener cropping systems. This study aims to assess the impact of mitigation strategies on small farmers' welfare. It uses a case study of small farmers in Burkina Faso, relying on an analyse programming model, in which farmers maximize their utility subject to a set of such constraints. The ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Pollution