Barnaud A., Vigouroux Y., Diallo M.A.T., Saidou S.I., Piquet M., Barry M.B., Bakasso Y., Zekraoui L., Rivallan R., Kane N., Billot C.
In a context of the global major changes, it is mandatory to enlarge the range of crops supporting food security and pay great attention to neglected and underutilized species. However, basic knowledge of the biology of many neglected and underutilized species is still lacking to increase their yields. In this study, the mating system of white fonio [Digitaria exilis (Kippist.) Stapf], a West ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes
In a context of the global major changes, it is mandatory to enlarge the range of crops supporting food security and pay great attention to neglected and underutilized species. However, basic knowledge of the biology of many neglected and underutilized species is still lacking to increase their yields. In this study, the mating system of white fonio [Digitaria exilis (Kippist.) Stapf], a West ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes