Ibanez T., Hequet V., Chambrey C., Jaffré T., Birnbaum P.
Context: The biodiversity hotspot for conservation of New Caledonia has facing high levels of forest fragmentation. Remnant forests are critical for biodiversity conservation and can help in understanding how does forest fragmentation affect tree communities. Objective: Determine the effect of habitat configuration and availability on tree communities. Methods: We mapped forest in a 60 km2 ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Ecologie végétale; Taxonomie végétale et phyto-géographie
Context: The biodiversity hotspot for conservation of New Caledonia has facing high levels of forest fragmentation. Remnant forests are critical for biodiversity conservation and can help in understanding how does forest fragmentation affect tree communities. Objective: Determine the effect of habitat configuration and availability on tree communities. Methods: We mapped forest in a 60 km2 ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Ecologie végétale; Taxonomie végétale et phyto-géographie