Diall O., Cecchi G., Wanda G., Argilés-Herrero R., Vreysen M.J.B., Cattoli G., Viljoen G.J., Mattioli R.C., Bouyer J.
Progressive control pathways (PCPs) are stepwise approaches for the reduction, elimination, and eradication of human and animal diseases. They provide systematic frameworks for planning and evaluating interventions. Here we outline a PCP for tsetse-transmitted animal trypanosomosis, the scourge of poor livestock keepers in tropical Africa. Initial PCP stages focus on the establishment of national ...
Organismes nuisibles des animaux; Maladies des animaux; Autres thèmes
Progressive control pathways (PCPs) are stepwise approaches for the reduction, elimination, and eradication of human and animal diseases. They provide systematic frameworks for planning and evaluating interventions. Here we outline a PCP for tsetse-transmitted animal trypanosomosis, the scourge of poor livestock keepers in tropical Africa. Initial PCP stages focus on the establishment of national ...
Organismes nuisibles des animaux; Maladies des animaux; Autres thèmes