N'guessan K.J.C., Traore M.J., Snoeck D., Kassin K.E., Koko L., Camara M., Yao Kouamé A.
In Côte d'Ivoire, soils in cacao plantations are depleted due to the absence or underuse of fertilisation. A digital map of 130 landunits was created from soil and climatic parameters. A soil diagnosis software was combined with GIS (geographical information system) to convert the current unique fertiliser ¿Engrais cacao¿ into a greater number of recommendations more adapted to local conditions, ...
Fertilisation; Fertilité du sol; Méthodes de relevé
In Côte d'Ivoire, soils in cacao plantations are depleted due to the absence or underuse of fertilisation. A digital map of 130 landunits was created from soil and climatic parameters. A soil diagnosis software was combined with GIS (geographical information system) to convert the current unique fertiliser ¿Engrais cacao¿ into a greater number of recommendations more adapted to local conditions, ...
Fertilisation; Fertilité du sol; Méthodes de relevé