Faure G., Huamanyauri Mendez K.N., Salazar I., Gomez C., De Nys E., Dulcire M.
Purpose: The private sector's presence in agricultural advisory services worldwide has been on the increase for over three decades. This trend has also been observed in the Mantaro Valley (Peru), in a context of dairy family farming. The objective of the article is to analyse the modalities of advisory services privatisation and assess the consequences of this privatisation for the farmers and ...
Vulgarisation; Elevage - Considérations générales
Purpose: The private sector's presence in agricultural advisory services worldwide has been on the increase for over three decades. This trend has also been observed in the Mantaro Valley (Peru), in a context of dairy family farming. The objective of the article is to analyse the modalities of advisory services privatisation and assess the consequences of this privatisation for the farmers and ...
Vulgarisation; Elevage - Considérations générales