Van Der Heijden G., Legout A., Mareschal L., Ranger J., Dambrine E.
In terrestrial ecosystems, plant-available pools of magnesium and calcium are assumed to be stored in the soil as exchangeable cations adsorbed on the surface of mineral and/or organic particles. The pools of exchangeable magnesium and calcium are measured by ion-exchange soil extractions. These pools are sustained in the long term by the weathering of primary minerals in the soil and atmospheric ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Ecologie végétale; Physiologie végétale : nutrition; Chimie et physique du sol
In terrestrial ecosystems, plant-available pools of magnesium and calcium are assumed to be stored in the soil as exchangeable cations adsorbed on the surface of mineral and/or organic particles. The pools of exchangeable magnesium and calcium are measured by ion-exchange soil extractions. These pools are sustained in the long term by the weathering of primary minerals in the soil and atmospheric ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Ecologie végétale; Physiologie végétale : nutrition; Chimie et physique du sol