Ranoarisoa P.M., Blanchart E., Vom Brocke K., Ramanantsoanirina A., Sester M., Plassard C., Cournac L., Trap J.
We tested the ability of root-adhering soils (RAS) from eight rice cultivars to attract a bacterivorous nematode (Acrobeloides sp.) living in a poor-nutrient soil in Madagascar. We showed that the ability of rice to attract bacterivorous nematodes in its rhizosphere is variable among cultivars. FOFIFA 172 was the cultivar with the highest attraction value, the lowest root biomass (RB) and the ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes; Physiologie et biochimie végétales
We tested the ability of root-adhering soils (RAS) from eight rice cultivars to attract a bacterivorous nematode (Acrobeloides sp.) living in a poor-nutrient soil in Madagascar. We showed that the ability of rice to attract bacterivorous nematodes in its rhizosphere is variable among cultivars. FOFIFA 172 was the cultivar with the highest attraction value, the lowest root biomass (RB) and the ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes; Physiologie et biochimie végétales