Avadi Tapia A.D., Corson M.S., Van Der Werf H.M.G.
Purpose Despite the farm being considered by many as the most suitable level of decision-making and strategic management in agriculture, there is an increasing interest in evaluating agricultural management strategies at the regional level. Recent initiatives attempted to aggregate and generalise farm-level lifecycle inventory (LCI) data and lifecycle impact assessment (LCIA) results to describe ...
Structure agraire; Economie et politique foncières; Systèmes et modes de culture; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Méthodes de relevé
Purpose Despite the farm being considered by many as the most suitable level of decision-making and strategic management in agriculture, there is an increasing interest in evaluating agricultural management strategies at the regional level. Recent initiatives attempted to aggregate and generalise farm-level lifecycle inventory (LCI) data and lifecycle impact assessment (LCIA) results to describe ...
Structure agraire; Economie et politique foncières; Systèmes et modes de culture; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Méthodes de relevé