Sola P., Cerutti P.O., Zhou W., Gautier D., Iiyama M., Shure J., Chenevoy A., Yila J., Dufe V., Nasi R., Petrokofsky G., Shepherd G.
Background: In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the production and use of woodfuel remains an important socio-economic activity with more than 70% of the population relying on woodfuel as their primary household energy source. Despite their socio-economic significance, woodfuel value chains are often viewed negatively due to their association with detrimental health and environmental impacts. However, ...
Sources d'énergie renouvelable; Dégâts causés aux forêts et leur protection; Economie et politique foncières; Sociologie rurale et sécurité sociale; Economie et politique du développement; Documentation et information
Background: In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the production and use of woodfuel remains an important socio-economic activity with more than 70% of the population relying on woodfuel as their primary household energy source. Despite their socio-economic significance, woodfuel value chains are often viewed negatively due to their association with detrimental health and environmental impacts. However, ...
Sources d'énergie renouvelable; Dégâts causés aux forêts et leur protection; Economie et politique foncières; Sociologie rurale et sécurité sociale; Economie et politique du développement; Documentation et information