Lescuyer G., Tsanga R., Essiane Mendoula E., Ahanda B.X.E., Ouedraogo H.A., Fung O., Dubiez E., Bigombe Logo P.
Domestic timber consumption in Central Africa, which is predominantly fed with sawnwood of informal origin, is important both economically and socially. No one has yet addressed the information needed in order to develop the conditions that will improve the legality of timber trade and practices. This report aims to fill that gap by reviewing the demand and supply of different wood products in ...
Production forestière; Economie de la production; Commerce intérieur; Economie de la consommation
Domestic timber consumption in Central Africa, which is predominantly fed with sawnwood of informal origin, is important both economically and socially. No one has yet addressed the information needed in order to develop the conditions that will improve the legality of timber trade and practices. This report aims to fill that gap by reviewing the demand and supply of different wood products in ...
Production forestière; Economie de la production; Commerce intérieur; Economie de la consommation