Ribeiro Paula R., Bouillet J.P., Trivelin P.C.O., Zeller B., De Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Nouvellon Y., Bouvet J.M., Plassard C., Laclau J.P.
The short-term belowground transfer of nitrogen from nitrogen-fixing trees to companion trees has never been studied in the field. A 15N pulse-labeling study was conducted in a mixed plantation of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis at the peak of leaf area, 26 months after planting. 15N¿NO3? was injected into the stem of one big Acacia tree in three plots. 15N was traced over 2 months in the ...
Production forestière; Physiologie végétale : nutrition; Biologie du sol
The short-term belowground transfer of nitrogen from nitrogen-fixing trees to companion trees has never been studied in the field. A 15N pulse-labeling study was conducted in a mixed plantation of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis at the peak of leaf area, 26 months after planting. 15N¿NO3? was injected into the stem of one big Acacia tree in three plots. 15N was traced over 2 months in the ...
Production forestière; Physiologie végétale : nutrition; Biologie du sol