Leauthaud C., Cappelaere B., Demarty J., Guichard L., Velluet C., Kergoat L., Vischel T., Grippa M., Mouhaimouni M., Bouzou Moussa I., Mainassara I., Sultan B.
The Sahel has experienced strong climate variability in the past decades. Understanding its implications for natural and cultivated ecosystems is pivotal in a context of high population growth and mainly agriculture-based livelihoods. However, efforts to model processes at the land¿atmosphere interface are hindered, particularly when the multi-decadal timescale is targeted, as climatic data are ...
Météorologie et climatologie
The Sahel has experienced strong climate variability in the past decades. Understanding its implications for natural and cultivated ecosystems is pivotal in a context of high population growth and mainly agriculture-based livelihoods. However, efforts to model processes at the land¿atmosphere interface are hindered, particularly when the multi-decadal timescale is targeted, as climatic data are ...
Météorologie et climatologie