Vongvichith B., Lestrelin G., Castella J.C., Mertz O., Broegaard R.B., Thongmanivong S.
The prospects of receiving funding for REDD+ have set many developing countries on a pathway of policy reforms to integrate REDD+ in national legislation. Progress has been slow partly due to the lengthy international negotiations on REDD+ but also because the policy reforms have not been backed by sufficient commitment to make REDD+ implementation feasible. To contribute to a better ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Météorologie et climatologie; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Chimie et physique du sol
The prospects of receiving funding for REDD+ have set many developing countries on a pathway of policy reforms to integrate REDD+ in national legislation. Progress has been slow partly due to the lengthy international negotiations on REDD+ but also because the policy reforms have not been backed by sufficient commitment to make REDD+ implementation feasible. To contribute to a better ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Météorologie et climatologie; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Chimie et physique du sol