Pradier C., Hinsinger P., Laclau J.P., Bouillet J.P., Guerrini I.A., Gonçalves J.L.M., Asensio V., Abreu Junior C.H., Jourdan C.
Background and aims Comparing root functioning under contrasting rainfall regimes can help assessing the capacity of plant species to cope with more intense and frequent drought predicted under climate change context. While the awareness of the need to study the whole root system is growing, most of the studies of root functioning through rhizosphere analyses have been restricted to the topsoil. ...
Production forestière; Physiologie végétale : nutrition; Physiologie végétale : croissance et développement; Météorologie et climatologie
Background and aims Comparing root functioning under contrasting rainfall regimes can help assessing the capacity of plant species to cope with more intense and frequent drought predicted under climate change context. While the awareness of the need to study the whole root system is growing, most of the studies of root functioning through rhizosphere analyses have been restricted to the topsoil. ...
Production forestière; Physiologie végétale : nutrition; Physiologie végétale : croissance et développement; Météorologie et climatologie