Lescuyer G., Cerutti P.O., Tsanga R.
In Cameroon, sustainable timber management relies on the model of large logging concession. However, over the past fifteen years, small-scale logging has become a common activity, with two different forms. First, the creation of community forests in the late 1990s allowed village associations to legally harvest, process and trade timber, almost always with the support of external actors such as ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Population rurale; Economie familiale et artisanale; Sociologie rurale et sécurité sociale; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières
In Cameroon, sustainable timber management relies on the model of large logging concession. However, over the past fifteen years, small-scale logging has become a common activity, with two different forms. First, the creation of community forests in the late 1990s allowed village associations to legally harvest, process and trade timber, almost always with the support of external actors such as ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Population rurale; Economie familiale et artisanale; Sociologie rurale et sécurité sociale; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières