Torquebiau E. (ed.), Soussana J.F. (ed.)
Over the centuries, farmers from the countries bordering the Mediterranean have developed a variety of agricultural practices, providing a wide array of commodities that have made the Mediterranean diet world famous. However, climate change projections reveal that some of these practices are at risk because of the expected drier and hotter conditions coupled with soil and water constraints, as ...
Systèmes et modes de culture; Météorologie et climatologie; Ecologie végétale
Over the centuries, farmers from the countries bordering the Mediterranean have developed a variety of agricultural practices, providing a wide array of commodities that have made the Mediterranean diet world famous. However, climate change projections reveal that some of these practices are at risk because of the expected drier and hotter conditions coupled with soil and water constraints, as ...
Systèmes et modes de culture; Météorologie et climatologie; Ecologie végétale