Desquilbet M., Dorin B., Couvet D.
In this paper, we model the supply and demand for agricultural goods and assess and compare how welfare, land use, and biodiversity are affected under intensive and extensive farming systems at market equilibrium instead of at exogenous production levels. As long as demand is responsive to price, and intensive farming has lower production costs, there exists a rebound effect (larger market size) ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Economie et politique foncières; Economie et politique agricoles; Structure agraire
In this paper, we model the supply and demand for agricultural goods and assess and compare how welfare, land use, and biodiversity are affected under intensive and extensive farming systems at market equilibrium instead of at exogenous production levels. As long as demand is responsive to price, and intensive farming has lower production costs, there exists a rebound effect (larger market size) ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Economie et politique foncières; Economie et politique agricoles; Structure agraire