Hassenforder E., Ducrot R., Ferrand N., Barreteau O., Daniell K.A., Pittock J.
Participatory approaches are now increasingly recognized and used as an essential element of policies and programs, especially in regards to natural resource management (NRM). Most practitioners, decision-makers and researchers having adopted participatory approaches also acknowledge the need to monitor and evaluate such approaches in order to audit their effectiveness, support decision-making or ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Sociologie rurale et sécurité sociale; Population rurale
Participatory approaches are now increasingly recognized and used as an essential element of policies and programs, especially in regards to natural resource management (NRM). Most practitioners, decision-makers and researchers having adopted participatory approaches also acknowledge the need to monitor and evaluate such approaches in order to audit their effectiveness, support decision-making or ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Sociologie rurale et sécurité sociale; Population rurale