Tchuinte Tamen A., Dumont Y., Bowong S., Tewa J.J., Couteron P.
In [1,2], we have developed and compared two variants of a minimalistic tree-grass model which account for fire as periodic pulse events using impulsive differential equations (IDEs). Our models explicitly consider both a generic non-linear increasing function of grass and the response function of woody biomass to fire intensity. In particular, in [2], this fire response function has been choosen ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Foresterie - Considérations générales; Ecologie végétale; Méthodes mathématiques et statistiques
In [1,2], we have developed and compared two variants of a minimalistic tree-grass model which account for fire as periodic pulse events using impulsive differential equations (IDEs). Our models explicitly consider both a generic non-linear increasing function of grass and the response function of woody biomass to fire intensity. In particular, in [2], this fire response function has been choosen ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Foresterie - Considérations générales; Ecologie végétale; Méthodes mathématiques et statistiques