Racedo J., Perera M.F., Bertani R., Funes C., González V., Cuenya M.I., D'Hont A., Welin B., Castagnaro A.P.
Brown rust (Puccinia melanocephala) and orange rust (P. kuehnii) cause important yield loss in global sugarcane production. Due to the difficulties of distinguishing between the two diseases to the naked eye, it is essential to use molecular techniques for an accurate rust diagnosis. A major gene, Bru1, which confers resistance to a broad spectrum of P. melanocephala strains in different parts of ...
Maladies des plantes; Physiologie et biochimie végétales
Brown rust (Puccinia melanocephala) and orange rust (P. kuehnii) cause important yield loss in global sugarcane production. Due to the difficulties of distinguishing between the two diseases to the naked eye, it is essential to use molecular techniques for an accurate rust diagnosis. A major gene, Bru1, which confers resistance to a broad spectrum of P. melanocephala strains in different parts of ...
Maladies des plantes; Physiologie et biochimie végétales