Morin J.F., Louafi S., Orsini A., Oubenal M.
Regime complexes are arrays of institutions with partially overlapping mandates and memberships. As tensions frequently arise among these institutions, there is a growing interest geared to finding strategies to reduce them. Insights from regime theory, science and technology studies, and social network analysis support the claim that "boundary organizations"¿a type of organization until now ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Economie et politique du développement
Regime complexes are arrays of institutions with partially overlapping mandates and memberships. As tensions frequently arise among these institutions, there is a growing interest geared to finding strategies to reduce them. Insights from regime theory, science and technology studies, and social network analysis support the claim that "boundary organizations"¿a type of organization until now ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Economie et politique du développement