Tinch R., Balian E., Carss D., Ezzine de Blas D., Geamana N.A., Heink U., Keune H., Nesshöver C., Niemelä J., Sarkki S., Thibon M., Timaeus J., Vadineanu A., van den Hove S., Watt A., Waylen K.A., Wittmer H., Young J.C.
To address the pressing problems associated with biodiversity loss, changes in awareness and behaviour are required from decision makers in all sectors. Science-policy interfaces (SPIs) have the potential to play an important role, and to achieve this effectively, there is a need to understand better the ways in which existing SPIs strive for effective communication, learning and behavioural ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières
To address the pressing problems associated with biodiversity loss, changes in awareness and behaviour are required from decision makers in all sectors. Science-policy interfaces (SPIs) have the potential to play an important role, and to achieve this effectively, there is a need to understand better the ways in which existing SPIs strive for effective communication, learning and behavioural ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières