Anseeuw W., Jayne T., Kachule R., Kotsopoulos J.
Medium-scale farms have become a major force in Malawi's agricultural sector. Malawi's most recent official agricultural survey indicates that these account for over a quarter of all land under cultivation in Malawi. This study explores the causes and multifaceted consequences of the rising importance of medium-scale farms in Malawi. We identify the characteristics and pathways of entry into ...
Structure agraire; Economie familiale et artisanale; Economie et politique du développement; Economie et politique agricoles
Medium-scale farms have become a major force in Malawi's agricultural sector. Malawi's most recent official agricultural survey indicates that these account for over a quarter of all land under cultivation in Malawi. This study explores the causes and multifaceted consequences of the rising importance of medium-scale farms in Malawi. We identify the characteristics and pathways of entry into ...
Structure agraire; Economie familiale et artisanale; Economie et politique du développement; Economie et politique agricoles