Karsenty A., Vermeulen C.
Industrial forest concessions cover about 45 million hectares in Central Africa. This paper discusses the weaknesses of the current concession model and initiatives for helping it evolve; it then proposes a new type of concession, entitled 'Concessions 2.0', adapted to the future challenges presented by the overlapping among the rights and modes of the harvesting of multiple resources. This ...
Production forestière; Economie et politique foncières; Economie et politique du développement; Economie de la production
Industrial forest concessions cover about 45 million hectares in Central Africa. This paper discusses the weaknesses of the current concession model and initiatives for helping it evolve; it then proposes a new type of concession, entitled 'Concessions 2.0', adapted to the future challenges presented by the overlapping among the rights and modes of the harvesting of multiple resources. This ...
Production forestière; Economie et politique foncières; Economie et politique du développement; Economie de la production