Cardinael R., Chevallier T., Barthès B., Saby N., Parent T., Dupraz C., Bernoux M., Chenu C.
Agroforestry systems, i.e., agroecosystems combining trees with farming practices, are of particular interest as they combine the potential to increase biomass and soil carbon (C) storage while maintaining an agricultural production. However, most present knowledge on the impact of agroforestry systems on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage comes from tropical systems. This study was conducted in ...
Production forestière; Systèmes et modes de culture; Méthodes de relevé; Chimie et physique du sol; Levée et cartographie des sols
Agroforestry systems, i.e., agroecosystems combining trees with farming practices, are of particular interest as they combine the potential to increase biomass and soil carbon (C) storage while maintaining an agricultural production. However, most present knowledge on the impact of agroforestry systems on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage comes from tropical systems. This study was conducted in ...
Production forestière; Systèmes et modes de culture; Méthodes de relevé; Chimie et physique du sol; Levée et cartographie des sols